
How To Set a A Static IP Address In Windows – Server Basics

A lot of my articles, and IT work in general requires setting a static IP address up for your Windows Server or PC. So here’s how to do it. Note that this procedure will work equally well for Windows 10, and Server 2016. The procedure is fairly similar for Server 2008 and 2012 though it’s […]

firewall Systems Administration tech

Clear OS – Initial Thoughts

Spent a good part of my weekend building a box out of parts cobbled together in my garage for a ClearOS server. Thought I’d post some first thoughts on the process and why. What’s it for? I’d been thinking I needed a small business server for a while to help me manage some projects and […]

phone shoretel tech

Adding ShoreTel Option 156 to Old Cisco Routers

Found this in my book of notes today. Thought I’d pass this along. There’s a lot of old Cisco Routers out there that configured as DHCP servers on small networks with ShoreTel phones on them. Here’s how to set them up to auto-configure your phones. I’m assuming the router’s DHCP pool has already been set up. […]

firewall geeky Home Technology

How To Child Proof Your Internet At Home For Free

A lot of people ask me this and unfortunately it’s one of those hard things to just tell someone how to do verbally. A lot of parents want to filter the internet for their kids, something that I don’t blame them for. I will post a few really hard to bypass methods, but this one […]

phone shoretel

Telnet Commands for ShoreTel Phones

I wrote a post on how to telnet into a ShoreTel phone but not much about what you can do once you’re in there. I checked around on the internet for a listing of commands you can run and what they do and the documentation is pretty scarce. I did find that ShoreTel nicely put […]