No screenshots for this one. If anyone has a screen shot for this particular error, send it over, I’ll credit you in the notes. Just fill out the contact form and I’ll get in touch with you. Had a customer with some machines that needed re-imaged. Image was kind of old and had this problem. […]
This is a running issue in certain places where Microsoft Exchange is hosted on site. A user will share their calendar and the recipient won’t be able to see it because the calendar will show “cannot be updated” or some similar message on the Calendar tab. There are a lot of fixes for this out […]
I haven’t found a permanent fix for this problem in all cases. So consider this article “ongoing” for now. I’ve noticed that sometimes that Outlook 2016 will freeze on the “Loading Profile” screen on Windows 10 computers. This seems fairly specific to machines connected to an Exchange account of some kind. The first few times […]
Restarting a local server once after hours is a pretty neat trick but sometimes you need to restart an entire Organizational Unit of computers. There’s a few ways to do this. You can do it with the shutdown command by hostname and keep a little batch script updated. Or you can use a PowerShell Script. […]
This is one of those really basic tasks you can easily set up with no added software or even Powershell scripts. It’s extremely useful too. Say you need to reboot a server because you installed some software that you didn’t expect needed a reboot, or there’s some updates, or some other reason. You can’t […]