So you’ve having trouble with your internet at home. It may or may not be completely down and you are trying to figure out where the problem is. It might be slow, it might drop off a lot. Your router and modem have been rebooted many times, but before you call Tech Support and get […]
Category: Home Technology
Home technology. Directions for setting up home technology
People ask me occasionally about how to set up WiFi and make sure it’s secure. It’s not something that is easy to explain in person, it takes illustrations. So I’ve compiled it here. First off, I suggest Linksys routers. If you don’t have one, go get a Linksys E2000 router. You can find them at […]
How To Install a New Cable Modem
So your cable modem went out, you don’t want to take an hour off of work to have a technician come over. How can you replace it? Well you can’t just plug it in like you can with DSL and it work. Also most cable providers don’t have a good ‘set it up yourself’ method […]