cyberoam firewall geeky Systems Administration tech

How to Apply Cyberoam 10 Firmware Updates

A few times a year a notification on your Cyberoam’s dashboard that looks like this: The update can be downloaded directly from the link and the update process is fairly painless. I’ve done this for two dozen or more units and never had one brick, so there’s very little worry here. Also the Cyberoam keeps […]

cyberoam daily firewall geeky Systems Administration

Cyberoam Automatic Backups

It’s about that time again for a new firmware update on your Cyberoam devices and with firmware updates come configuration backups. I’m a big believer in automation, with backups. One of the methods I implemented with my Cyberoam was the automatic e-mail backup. I am not a fan of the FTP backup as it sends […]

cyberoam firewall geeky Systems Administration tech

Cyberoam FleXi Port Devices

Cyberoam just put out a press release on their new FleXi Port devices. This is the sort of device large sites really need. You can plug your fiber, and high bandwidth copper lines directly into the firewall device, instead of doing ‘creative routing’ that the Cyberoam is so sensitive about. It’s a good practice to […]

cyberoam firewall tech

Cyberoam PPTP VPN For Telecommuters

Have recently done some experimenting with the Cyberoam PPTP VPN for road warrior connections. We were having a LOT of instability issues with L2TP VPN. The biggest reason for using L2TP is security as it encrypts all traffic, but if your user’s apps and everything are encrypted anyway, this can cause a bottleneck. Another issue […]

cyberoam firewall shoretel tech

Bypass Stateful Inspection Between Networks Cyberoam

If you have a Cyberoam, multiple networks, and/or a ShoreTel system, you’ll run into problems where one network might not pass traffic to another for inexplicable reasons. You can also get one way voice traffic with ShoreTel because of this. Typically this is due to something called “Asymmetric Routing”. Any number of things can cause […]