'Create the necessary variables. This isn't 100% needed I know, it's purely habit. Dim shoretelServer Dim objRegistry Dim extension 'Change your ShoretelServer name here. Sometimes it's an IP address, sometimes it's a host name. shoretelServer = "shoretel" 'This gets the current logged in username. Note, this depends on one of two things. Either you have your ShoreTel server integrated with Active 'Directory, or your ShoreTel username scheme is exactly the same as your Windows username scheme. Set objSysInfo = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo") strUser = objSysInfo.UserName Set objUser = GetObject("LDAP://" & strUser) Set objRegistry = CreateObject("Wscript.shell") 'I have noticed some people saying that their environment is different than what I present on the blog. I've found the data 'in this key on two different, relatively new versions. If yours is different you can change the key here. Typically it is 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Shoreline Teleworks\CSIS Client\servername.username\SUserID though. the servername.username part 'is all that typically changes. In fact if you put the IP address in the ShoreTel Communicator on a PC, it'll be 'ipaddress.username instead of servername.username. extension = objRegistry.RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Shoreline Teleworks\CSIS Client\"& shoretelServer & "." & objUser.sAMAccountName & "\SUserID") 'This just echos the extension. Put your whatever you want to do with the extension code here. Wscript.Echo extension